ContactUp apk - Download latest version 1.0

ContactUp apk - Download latest version 1.0

ContactUp.apk 1.0
Name: ContactUp apk
ID: backupapp.antoniobojan.contactup
Version: 1.0
Size: 0 Mb
Android Version: 2.2 and up

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What's new in ContactUp 1.0

Contacts backup and restore app, developed by 'transcendence' team members:Bojan Angjeleski and Antonijo Nikoloski

With ContactUp back up contacts and they will be save on the cloud, with no fear of ever losing them again.
ContactUp makes backing up contacts as easy as it gets, making this application suitable for everyone.

• Link from the application to your DropBox account ( Sign In / Sign Up on DropBox, depending if you have account or not).

• By using the "BackUp" button, contacts are automatically exported and uploaded. With the "Restore" button we are able to download and import the contacts from DropBox.
There is a "Refresh" button that allows you to check for file again, and "Unlink account" if you wish to log out.

• This application does not run any background processes making it more economical for weaker devices. This means contacts won't be backed up by themselves in the background.

• The application uses the DropBox Sync API, which also works OFFLINE, by saving cached versions. If you don't have Internet connection and wish to back up the contacts, they will be saved as cached and later when you are online they will be automatically uploaded. To ensure you are restoring the latest contacts is best to be connected to the Internet.

• Below the ContactUp logo you will notice text, which notifies you if file exists, doesn't exist or If there is any error in the process of backing up / restoring.

• You can download the contacts file to you computer from DropBox site or app.

• You can transfer contacts to other devices.

• ContactUp uses its own private folder.

*** This application needs the following permissions: INTERNET for connecting to DropBox, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to save contacts to external storage, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to read exported contacts from the storage for uploading, READ_CONTACTS the most important one so the application can export and import contacts. ***

© transcendence development 2014 / Antonijo & Bojan
ContactUp | 6 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.2

Download ContactUp 1.0 APK

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